Found A broken link Hijacking

Siddhesh Tungatkar
1 min readMay 1, 2020

Well this is my first blog post in which I will be talking about broken link hijacking we all know about subdomain takeover but most of all don’t know broken link They are the same thing but as you take subdomain at you own name you can also takeover anyone’s expired link on a page it can be any social media such as twitter,Facebook,etc.

Some Links which you can refer are to find broken link are:

This tools will give you all the links which gives 404 error if you get the same you will be close to broken link hijacking

Some command to run are: blc -rof --filter-level 3

One more Command is this : blc -r –filter-level 2 | findstr “\.js” | findstr “BROKEN”

This command will give you all json files which can be used for other attacks

I have also found a linkedin page in dutch government

Impact: I can use this for misusing the account of the program And if the victims clicks this link he will be redirected to the hackers created page

Takeaway: Always check for links and endpoints in the source code and javascript files which i have given in the command there may be expired links and you can buy that and host malicious files.

Thank You!!!

Linkedin Page:-

